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Karate team with 70 players to Bhutan

Karate team with 70 players to Bhutan

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The Nepali karate team went to Thimpu, Bhutan on Monday to participate in the eighth edition of the South Asian Karate Championship. 70 players will participate in the tournament from July 2 to 4.

National Sports Council (Rakhep) Member-Secretary Tanklal Ghising, Former Member-Secretary of Rakhep and President of Nepal Karate Federation Yuvraj Lama, Secretary General of Nepal Olympic Committee Nilendraraj Shrestha, Karate Federation General Secretary Dawa Gurung and others bid farewell to the team at the semi covered hall of Rakhep in Tripureshwar on Monday.

In the seventh edition of the competition held in Nepal, Nepal became the team champion by winning 30 gold, 24 silver and 7 bronze medals.

प्रकाशित : असार ३१, २०८१ २१:०६