A 52-year-old man was arrested for raping two girls
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The police arrested a 52-year-old man on the charge of raping two girls. Based on the verbal information of the parents, the police arrested the accused.
The incident took place at the bus park around 10:30 am on Sunday. The police informed that the 52-year-old driver Dhan Bahadur Rokaya, who was camping at a hotel in the bus park, raped two girls, aged seven and eight, who were playing in a shop nearby. He is a resident of Bhimdatta Municipality-7 Haldukhal in Kanchanpur.
According to the information given by Police Inspector Kishore Joshi, Rokaya was raping the girl after her relatives informed the police and she was arrested at the scene. It seems that the girls were tricked and taken to the room. It will be known after the report of the medical examination whether rape has taken place or attempted rape has taken place," police inspector Joshi said, "we are investigating this further."
Now the parents of the victim girl have given a written complaint.
प्रकाशित : असार ३०, २०८१ २०:२०