Paralysis patients increased in Karnali
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Paralysis patients are increasing in Karnali province. Health workers say that the number of paralyzed patients has increased in the state hospital Kalagaon recently.
In 2079/80, 255 paralyzed patients were admitted to the hospital, while in the first 6 months of 080/81, 155 patients came. Dr. KN Paudel, General Physician of Karnali Pradesh Hospital, said that compared to last year, the number of paralyzed patients in Karnali is on the rise. "Due to not getting the right treatment at the right time, paralysis is also increasing the number of patients," he said. There have been patients who can't move their hands, half of their mouths are crooked, and their bodies can't move at all. In the hospital, various specialist doctors and other health workers were given training on how to identify and treat paralyzed patients who came to the hospital. Paudel said that patients who come to the hospital will be in a complicated situation if they are not treated on time.
For the past four years, with the financial support of GIJet, Nepal Stop Project has been supporting provincial hospitals with medicines and health supplies.
प्रकाशित : श्रावण ८, २०८१ २१:४०