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Maoists out of power for the first time in Karnali

श्रावण ८, २०८१
Maoists out of power for the first time in Karnali

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In Karnali, which is considered to be its sphere of influence, the Maoists have reached the opposition for the first time. After the new power collaboration between the Nepali Congress and the UML at the center, the Maoists also left the government in Karnali. In the meantime, 2 Chief Ministers, 2 Deputy Speakers and 17 ministers have been made from Maoists.

On Monday, Economic Affairs and Planning Minister Mahendra KC, Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment Minister Durg Bahadur Rawat, Energy and Water Resources Minister Ransingh Periyar and Social Development Minister Bir Bahadur Shahi submitted their resignations to Chief Minister Yamlal Kandel and withdrew their support to the government.

He was appointed as minister on 18th Baisakh. In the second term of the state assembly, 9 Maoist MPs have become ministers, while Yashoda Neupane from the Maoist party is the deputy speaker. Maoist Parliamentary Party Leader Rajkumar Sharma became the Chief Minister for about 1 year and 3 months. Now only 2 MPs from Maoists are left to become ministers.

Political analyst Pitambar Dhakal said that since this is the area where the Maoists have the most dominance, what role he plays in the opposition is now being watched with importance. "In the 6 and a half years of the establishment of federalism, he did not get to taste the taste of the opposition, his role after the continuous power journey has become a matter of interest to everyone," he said, "that role will determine the future of the party in the next election." 13 MPs were elected from Maoists. Among them, one of the MPs was the Deputy Speaker and 2 MPs joined the UML. According to the data of the State Assembly Secretariat, 10 of them became ministers. In the state assembly of the first term, 9 MPs were elected directly and 4 proportionally from the Maoists. At that time, Mahendra Bahadur Shahi succeeded to become the first Chief Minister of Karnali from the Maoists. He became the Chief Minister for almost 3 and a half years.

In almost 6 and a half years of implementation of federalism, Maoists were included in all the 4 governments formed so far. Kamal Lamsal, associate professor of Midwestern University, said that the role of opposition is both a challenge and an opportunity for the Maoists. "Being in power and not being in power has a great meaning in politics, but it is how the parties use it," he said.

There are currently 39 MPs in the 40-member state assembly. Congress Parliamentary Party leader Jeevan Bahadur Shahi is under suspension after a case was filed in the Abuse of Authority Investigation Commission. Even though he was suspended, now there are 24 MPs including the Speaker in favor of UML and Congress. Where there are 15 MPs from Congress and 10 MPs from CPN-UML with one suspension.

State President of Maoist Center Vimala KC said that now the party will play a role as a strong opposition. He says that Karnali is a Maoist stronghold and a province dominated by many ministers. "From the beginning, we sent those who did not get the geographical area, inclusiveness and opportunity to the government as the first priority," she said, "that's why the parliamentarians who are ministers on our behalf were able to fulfill the people's expectations."

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ८, २०८१ ०६:०४