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The 67th 12th Annual Shelri Dugdra (She) Mela will be held at Dolpa

श्रावण ४, २०८१
The 67th 12th Annual Shelri Dugdra (She) Mela will be held at Dolpa

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The 67th 12-year Shel Rivo Dugdra (She) Mela is going to be organized from 16th August to 21st August at Shell Sumdo Gumba located in Chefoksundo Rural Municipality-3 of Dolpa.

The organizers have said that most of the preparations for the fair have been completed. Chairman of Chefoksundo rural municipality Tora Samduk Gurung gave this information at a press conference held in Kathmandu on Thursday to inform about the fair.

On that occasion, Chairman Gurung said that although Dolpa is lagging behind in terms of development and convenience, it is an important destination in Nepal in terms of tourism potential. He said, Dolpa is a hidden land for adventure tourism. Chairman Gurung said that Shell Rivo Dugdra Mela will further highlight the multicultural aspect of Dolpa and said, 'Dolpa is multicultural, multi-religious, and multilingual so the tourists who go to Dolpa can have a diverse experience.'

Khas and Masto culture, Tarali culture, Dolpo culture, Bon and Buddhism, Khas language, Kaike language, Tichurong Poike, Dolpo language, including Tripurasundari temple, Byas Tapobhoomi, etc., organizers said.

The organizers have expected more than 15,000 visitors to attend the historical Shel Rivo Dugdra She Mela. It is said that the preparation of drinking water, temporary housing, toilets and other structures required for the fair has reached the final stage.

67th 12-year Shel Rewo Dugdu (She) Mela 2081 Mul Organizing Committee and Chefoksundo Rural Municipality, Dolpo Buddha Rural Municipality and Charkatangsong Rural Municipality are going to organize this fair as co-organizers . Pemma Wangchen Gurung, coordinator of the publicity committee and vice president of Chefoksundo rural municipality, said that a press conference was organized to make this historical fair a success and spread its publicity, saying that it will contribute significantly to the promotion of tourism not only in Dolpa but in the whole of Nepal. In the

program, the chief guest, Deputy Speaker of the Federal Parliament, Indira Rana, said that Dolpa is very beautiful in nature and said that such religious fairs and festivals will make it easier to understand the religion, culture and people's life there.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ४, २०८१ १०:४२