कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

The health center has been in tents for eight months

असार ३१, २०८१
The health center has been in tents for eight months

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After the building collapsed due to the Jajarkot earthquake, the community health unit center in Darma Rural Municipality-5 has been running from a tent for eight months. The lack of a building has affected the health services of the center.

The community health unit center has been operating out of a tent since it was not possible to arrange an immediate budget for the reconstruction of the building, because it was not possible to repair the damaged building and because it was not possible to rent the house of the local people. During the rains, it is difficult for the health workers to provide services from tents, and even the patients who have gone for treatment have been affected.

Health workers are also having difficulty in keeping medicines and other health equipment as they have to operate services from tents. Yagya Bahadur Khadka, head of the center, said that it was difficult for them to provide services from tents for eight months.

This tent has also been torn by the wind. There is only one tent," he said. "The tent itself is leaking. Now, will another tent be made or will the building be arranged? There is no final decision.

He said that after the rainwater entered the tent, the medicine received for the center got soaked and destroyed. No more than three/four people can stay inside the tent. Nowadays, due to the daily rains, patients are getting wet. Kochakoch should be kept sick and served," he said. After the building was damaged by the earthquake, temporary services were arranged through tents, but the pregnancy test service was also interrupted due to lack of necessary materials.

"Even the place to bury this tent is not stable, so it has to be placed on a steep ground," he said, "because it is slippery, there is a risk of slipping and falling."

प्रकाशित : असार ३१, २०८१ १६:५२