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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

I will pave the way after the process of forming the new government starts: Chief Minister Mahara

श्रावण ३, २०८१
I will pave the way after the process of forming the new government starts: Chief Minister Mahara

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Chief Minister of Lumbini Province, Jokh Bahadur Mahara, has said that he will leave the government by using the rights given by the constitution. He said that a decision will be taken on whether to take a vote of confidence or resign from the post by July 18.

Chief Minister Mahara has fallen into a minority after five UML ministers who participated in the Lumbini state government resigned on June 20 and withdrew their support due to the Congress-UML power collaboration at the center.

After the power partner party withdraws its support, it has to take a vote of confidence from the provincial assembly or resign within 30 days. Mahara has said that he will take one of the two decisions by July 18. 'Who will be from the new alliance? The process of forming the government has not started after the Congress-UML has finalized the name of the Chief Minister,'' Chief Minister Mahara told Ikantipur, 'I will pave the way after the Congress-UML goes ahead with the constitutional process to form the government. I have had a conversation with the leaders of both parties.

Even though he is in the minority, he said that he will not resign until the formation of the new government. He alleges that the Chief Minister has not resigned, but the Congress-UML has not started the constitutional process of forming a new government. Mahara said that when the federal government changes, it affects the provinces, so federalism has not yet come to the provinces.

Maoist parliamentary party leader Mahara was appointed as Chief Minister on March 23 with the support of 48 people including 29 from UML, 10 from Maoists, 4 from Civil Liberation Party, 3 from Jaspa, CPN SK and independent MP Khadg Basnet. Now, it seems that the Chief Minister has the support of only 12 people, 10 from Maoist, one from CPN-S and one each from Rashtriya Jan Morcha.

A new government has been formed at the centre. Although the leadership of Lumbini is said to be in UML's part, Congress-UML has not yet formally divided the provinces from the center. Leaders of Congress and UML are consulting top leaders in Kathmandu to get the leadership in their favor. UML party leader Leela Giri and deputy leader Chetnarayan Acharya are lobbying to become the chief minister.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ३, २०८१ १५:३१