The draft of the Disability Friendly Law was handed over to the state government
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The draft of the disability-friendly law prepared by the National Federation of Disability Gandaki Province and Swalamban Lifestyle Center Pokhara has been handed over to the provincial government during a program on Thursday. The draft report has been handed over to Vindukumar Thapa, Minister of Social Development and Health of Gandaki State Government.
Although the Gandaki state government is ahead in law making, it has not made a law related to disability. The draft has been prepared under the leadership of Sudarshan Subedi, the former president of the National Federation of Disabled Persons. Subedi said that the draft was prepared after discussing with all kinds of disabled people and experts.
Minister of Social Development and Health Vindukumar Thapa said that the rights of people with different types of disabilities should be ensured and said that their rights (including education, health, employment etc.) are included in the draft, which will help in the creation of the law.
"We will further modify this draft," he said. He also assured that since it was made by the concerned person, it was addressed according to the needs of the disabled people.
Gandaki Provincial Assembly Deputy Speaker Bina Thapa expressed her happiness that the draft has been prepared to ensure all kinds of disabled people. In the program, President of the National Federation of Disability, Gandaki Province, Khomraj Sharma said that the local level and the state government should create laws to understand the responsibilities of people with disabilities.
प्रकाशित : श्रावण १०, २०८१ २०:२०