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UML whip to vote against Chief Minister Jamkattel

श्रावण ५, २०८१
UML whip to vote against Chief Minister Jamkattel

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CPN-UML parliamentary party Wagmati Province has issued a whip to vote against Chief Minister Shalikram Jamkattel. UML has issued a whip on Saturday for its MPs to vote against.

Madhusudan Paudel, chief whip of the UML parliamentary party, said that the whip has been issued to the UML MPs to attend the provincial assembly meeting on Sunday and vote against the vote of confidence of the Chief Minister. The current government formed with the support of UML, CPN Maoist Center, CPN United Socialist Party and our Nepali Party has fallen into the minority after UML withdrew its support. With the formation of an alliance with Congress and UML in the federal government, UML also withdrew its support in the state.

Chief Minister Jamkattel is taking a vote of confidence in the state assembly on Sunday, July 6. With the formation of a new alliance with the Congress-UML, Chief Minister Jamkattel has fallen into the minority in the state. Congress, UML, RPP have already made it clear that they will not give a vote of confidence to the current government.

So far, CPN S and our Nepali Party, which is represented in the Provincial Assembly, have appeared in his favour. Congress is preparing to lead the provincial government for the first time in Bagmati. According to the central consensus of the current alliance, the leadership of Bagmati has fallen to the Congress.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ५, २०८१ १८:३१