कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

Locals staged a protest at Garuda in Rautahat

श्रावण १०, २०८१
Locals staged a protest at Garuda in Rautahat

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Garuda chowk in Gaur-Chandranigahpur section has been blocked by locals. In the incident of beating up the leader of Madhes Pradesh of UML, the local police Garuda blocked the local highway. The victim alleged that the person involved in the assault was not arrested.

UML leader of Madhes province Sheikh Karimullah was beaten up by a group of 7/8 people while he was sitting at Garuda Chowk on Wednesday night. Karimullah, the victim, informed that he was ignored when he informed the police about who was involved in the beating.

'I informed about the incident to DSP Rajkumar Twati of the area police Garuda', he said, 'DSP Twati did not give any hearing so we protested . I demand that the guilty of the incident be prosecuted.' Traffic going to the headquarters has been stopped after the traffic jam. District Police Chief SP Dilip Ghimire has requested to file a complaint. The victim was informed that those involved in the beating will be arrested after the complaint.

DSP Twati also said that the victim jammed the wheel without giving a complaint. Locals including the victim protested against the police. After beating the victim, Karimullah fled on a motorcycle. Karimullah said that he knew everyone who beat him.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण १०, २०८१ १४:०४