Solar ship accident: Three people from Biratnagar died
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3 people from Biratnagar were killed in the Sourya Airlines plane crash. Sushant Katuwal, Ashwin Niraula and Sagar Acharya of Biratnagar died on board the Sourya Airlines flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara.
Katuwal is the co-pilot of the plane, Niraula is the engineer and Acharya is the safety chief.
There were 19 people on the plane including a foreigner . Out of which 18 people have died except pilot Manish Shakya, 37 years old. Pilot 37 Shakya is undergoing treatment at KMC Hospital Sinamangal. They went to visit Pokhara from Kathmandu.
Wednesday morning at 11 am, the plane that flew from Kathmandu International Airport to Pokhara crashed shortly after.
प्रकाशित : श्रावण ९, २०८१ १६:५८