Some comments taken from on the news 'Trivima graduate students will now get a chance to take the exam':
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More than this, there will be a rule to make no failure.
- Santosh Amgai
What we do now or are said to happen, we did not believe until we saw it done and happened.
– Chandika Prasad Bhattarai
People's BBS has been ruined due to the failure of a subject.
– Raj KD
This is an important issue after Vidya Bhattarai became the education minister.
– Krishna village
It takes almost 1 year to get the result of the regular exam. There is no meaning.
– Vijayji
For that, the results should be released within a month or two. The next year/semester exam will arrive when the result comes. Should the student prepare for the chance exam or the continuous one?
– Prashant Banjade
If you arrange for all to pass, it will happen.
– Vivek Dagoura