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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

RSVP in the midst of controversy

श्रावण ६, २०८१

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Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RASWPA), which has emerged as a new party, has been falling into controversy one after another. This party, which was looked upon with great enthusiasm, tried to establish itself in politics by showing that it was different from the old parties.

But from the beginning, its leadership has been involved in various scandals. Even now, there are various accusations against the leadership. Ravi Lamichhane himself is the chairman of the RSVP who says that whether a person is guilty or not, when someone's name comes up, the person should be investigated, but he himself has been proving himself innocent of the allegations against him. Not only Lamichhane, other people of RSVP are also involved in various issues. In the co-operative case, the names of the party chairman and the deputy chairman were also added.

In January 2079, when the government was about to be formed, an audio was released that the party's then MP Dhakaram Shrestha asked medical practitioner Durga Prasain to say that the party had asked for 2 crores to make the health minister and he did not have the money. After that, the party immediately took action and expelled him from being an ordinary member. Probably this was the first action case of RSVP. The case may be different but most of the people are stuck in one or the other case. Most of them are involved in cooperative cases. Had Dhakaram's case been today, perhaps he would not have been prosecuted. RSVP has realized that no one in the party will remain vigilant if Dhakaram is dealt with the way it is. As the party chairman said, if the investigation is to be done based on the name, then he himself should come under the scope of investigation. No matter how big the talk is, in practice it seems that RSVP has fallen to a lower level than other old parties. If the General Minister brings a report that the party should be reformed, how appropriate is it to take action? There are voices of dissatisfaction in other parties as well, but they are resolved through discussion, but there are rare cases where action is taken and expulsion from the party. Taking action against the General Minister has also sent a message to the RSVP that if anyone speaks against the leadership of the party, they will be kicked out of the party. This is a dictatorial tendency.

The name of Indira Rana, who is the deputy speaker from Kota of RSVP, has been linked to the case of the fake Bhutanese refugee. When he was about to go to the US to participate in a program, there is news that he wrote a letter to the US Embassy in Kathmandu asking them not to arrange an interview date quickly to take five people who had nothing to do with the program with him to the US. Even though the news has come that Rana has accepted that he wrote the letter, the leaders of RSVP are still taking it as a hoax. Now what the party does to him will also show the future of the RSVP. Those who don't believe the news in the media and newspapers may say that it is all a lie.

Sujan Devkota , Palungtar-4, Gorkha

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ६, २०८१ ०६:४८