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Why did Prachanda remember the Samajwadi Front?

श्रावण ३, २०८१
Why did Prachanda remember the Samajwadi Front?

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After one and a half years in power, the routine of Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda, who joined the opposition for his own reasons, has changed. Nowadays, he has started to be seen in the role of an old man who spends his days in a party, chatari, talking about his sorrows and joys. Prachanda did not give any interest to Samajwadi Morcha, which was formed in June last year when there was a coalition government with the Congress under his own leadership, as long as he was in the government.

He felt the need for the front to keep Netravikram Chand close to him by some means. His other main goal was to keep the Congress in balance by forming a front like that. With his exit from the government, Prachanda's name is now followed by the phrase, 'Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the CPN Maoist Center'. Prachanda cannot be satisfied with this alone.

He is a person who likes to add different kinds of adjectives to his name. Therefore, he is sometimes forced to form a high-level political mechanism committee under his own leadership to compete with the government in which his own party is participating. Sometimes they keep raising the issue of forming other similar committees. Let's understand this, Prachanda belongs to the category of leaders who always want to be in the limelight in one way or another.

It is impossible to underestimate Prachanda's power and live with confidence. UML President KP Sharma Oli has his own stand. Therefore, it is not possible to say how long the current power coalition will last. Like Prachanda, it cannot be said that Oli also does not play the game of keeping the party he is allied with by sometimes showing Congress and sometimes UML. If such a situation occurs, it is not that the UML cannot become an alliance with the Maoists again. Looking at the current situation, it seems that Prachanda's journey to power in this parliamentary term has come to an end.

Therefore, he is looking for the easiest way to strengthen his role. According to which, he organized a meeting of Samajwadi Morcha immediately after the exit of power and revived it. According to his plan, it seems that now all the parties in the opposition will be united on this front and will challenge the government. If that was not the case, he would not have activated the front which was inactive as long as the government was under his leadership as soon as he joined the opposition. It also shows that Prachanda is good at self-serving politics, he always wants to see himself at the forefront.
– Sujan Devkota, Palungtar-4, Gorkha

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ३, २०८१ १०:५२