कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Kamat is the guru of classical music

श्रावण १८, २०८१
Kamat is the guru of classical music

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  • 6 months ago, Kamat returned to Pokharbhinda, Siraha's birthplace, after failing to get treatment in Kathmandu after both kidneys stopped working.

Gurudev Kamat i.e. a revered name in the field of classical song/music. His songs/music fans are not only in Nepal but also abroad. Kamat, who kept mesmerizing the viewers and listeners with his message through songs, passed away on Thursday. He passed away at the age of 69 at his own residence in Pokharbhinda, Laxmipur Patari Rural Municipality-2 of Siraha, where he was born.

Poet and Lyricist Biplava Prateek remembers Kamat as a classical singer and musician of extraordinary talent. Kamat taught music for a long time at Doremi Music School. Nepali music-society did not accept his musical knowledge as much as it should have,'

Biplav says, 'Therefore, whatever qualities can be acquired and learned while artists are alive, they should be searched for.'

Kamat was born on July 17, 2012, 6 months ago, both kidneys stopped working. He was living in Kathmandu and returned to his village only a month ago after he could not get treatment there due to financial crisis. After coming to the village, he was undergoing dialysis every two days at the provincial hospital in Lahan. According to

musician Sachin Singh, Kamat has produced many artists in Nepali classical and simple music. "Gurudev Kamat himself was a good singer, who devoted his entire life to music, especially as he was a music seeker," says Sachin.

He passed away on Thursday morning while preparations were being made to take him for dialysis. "My father never gave importance to money, he only gave importance to good deeds," said his son Pramendra, "As much as we did, we spent 10 lakhs in Kathmandu, but due to financial problems, father returned to the village." Kamat has three sons, a daughter and a wife . Kamat was into song/music from the age of 10. After learning music from Allahabad and West Bengal in India, Madhesh became more popular in the region. For the last 40 years, he was continuously in Kathmandu and engaged in Maithili, Nepali, Bhojpuri and other songs/music and classical singing and training.

'Gurudev Kamat has made a big contribution to where Nepali classical music has come,' says musician Raju Singh, 'He was a self-respecting music seeker, whom Nepali classical music can never forget.' Opened and taught music and singing. Roshan Janakpuri, an analyst and writer from Janakpur, says, "Serious, meaningful and meaningful songs and singing in Maithili are the hallmarks of Gurudev Kamat." Although Kamat gave his energetic time for the state, it is sad for the locals that he had to leave this world prematurely because the state did not look after him. "People from here go to Kathmandu for treatment," said Vindeshwar Thakur, a local, "but the opposite happened in his case, he returned from Kathmandu and came to the village, he dedicated his life for the state, but the state did not look at him, this is unfortunate."

प्रकाशित : श्रावण १८, २०८१ ०५:३०