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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

Israel agrees to take 2000 'caregivers'

श्रावण ७, २०८१
Israel agrees to take 2000 'caregivers'

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Israel has agreed to employ two thousand Nepali workers as caregivers. Israel has agreed to increase the number of Nepalese workers in a courtesy meeting with Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security Sharatsingh Bhandari on Monday by Hanan Godar, the Israeli Ambassador to Nepal.

Govinda Prasad Rizal, spokesman of the Ministry, informed that a total of 800 Nepali workers, consisting of 500 main candidates and 300 alternate candidates, who are currently in the selection stage, will be taken to Israel. . In the

meeting, various aspects of bilateral labor relations were discussed, as well as the selection process for sending Nepali workers to Israel as caregivers under the 'Jituji' process.

Spokesperson Rizal informed that in the future, there was also a discussion about the possibility of taking Nepali workers to Israel in other fields including agriculture. Meanwhile, Minister Bhandari expressed his satisfaction about the labor relations between Nepal and Israel and requested to take more initiatives regarding the search and information about the real situation of Nepali Bipin Joshi, who is missing in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and his safe return.

No description available.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ७, २०८१ १९:०७