Courtesy meeting between Communications Minister Gurung and US Ambassador Thomson
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A courtesy call was held today between Minister of Communications and Information Technology Prithvisubba Gurung and American Ambassador to Nepal Dean Thomson. During the meeting, various issues of Nepal-US bilateral interest were discussed between them.
According to Minister Gurung's secretariat, discussions were held on the development of information technology, cyber security, use of technology in natural disasters and peace and prosperity of Nepal.
On that occasion, Minister Gurung said that Nepal is ready to cooperate in dealing with natural disasters, rescue and search in accidents during mountain climbing, and achieving prosperity through the development of information technology.
job creation and development of information technology and He mentioned that we can work together in priority areas of development, including utilizing the young manpower that is migrating through expansion.
Ambassador Thomson wished Minister Gurung a successful tenure and said that the US government is ready to support Nepal for the development and expansion of the information technology sector.
प्रकाशित : श्रावण ६, २०८१ १९:३३