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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

Kathmandu District Court: Improvement in case disposal rate

श्रावण ९, २०८१
Kathmandu District Court: Improvement in case disposal rate

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District Court Kathmandu has comparatively improved the case disposal rate in 2080/81. In this financial year, 23,291 (46.74 percent) cases have been disposed of. In the financial year 2079/80, 15 thousand five hundred 28 (42.18 percent) cases were dismissed. In the financial year 2080/081, there are 49,827 cases, and 26,536 cases are yet to be disposed of.

District Judge Kamal Prasad Pokharel said that despite working with the aim of speeding up the disposal of cases, the number of cases was high and the cases could not be completed due to the lack of number of judges, but it was an improvement compared to last year. "This year, more cases have been filed than last year, even though there are 46 judges, only 31 judges are working", he said, "We are trying to give quick justice to increase the public's faith that justice will be delivered on time from the court."

According to the decision of the Supreme Court, the Kathmandu court has also started the court management work with the automatic system (automation) from the 1st of July. The said court has disposed of six thousand five hundred and fifty-eight cases in this financial year. There were 3,150 cases in which responsibility was transferred in cases that exceeded two years, and 1,886 cases in this financial year. Two thousand six hundred and seven (50.28 percent) have been allocated towards the implementation of the verdict.

There are 5 thousand one hundred and 85 cases out of which 2 thousand five hundred and 78 cases are left. The court has established a separate campaign branch so that only two-year-old cases will be kept and the cases of these branches will be heard by a separate bench.

In the court in Kathmandu, the hearing was started from the family bench last year. Out of the total number of 1,179 cases, 554 (46.98 percent) cases have been disposed of. There are 626 cases of family disputes remaining.

Judge Pokharel said that family court cases are given priority to resolve family disputes quickly and give justice to the victims quickly. Seven hundred and sixty (81.98 percent) cases have been dismissed in the juvenile court in that court. Out of total 927 cases, 167 cases are pending.

The most banking crime cases in court in Kathmandu

District Court Kathmandu has registered the highest number of banking cases in this financial year, seven thousand nine hundred and fifty seven. In the second case, 4,466 cases related to divorce have been registered.

In the third, there are 3,870 cases related to dishonored checks. The lowest number of cases is 169 crimes related to death. Ramu Sharma informed that by dividing the work of all the judges, each judge has been assigned the responsibility of monitoring missile inspection in each branch and after passing the court management policy, the branches have been instructed to manage the court appearances accordingly.

The court has arranged that even when the judge is on leave, the court will not be adjourned so that the present judge will see more than one case. As far as possible, it is arranged that indictments submitted for detention should not be submitted in the court where the cases of the campaign areas are submitted, so that the situation of not being sent to hear the case is expected to be minimized. In order to regularize the missile inspection of cases in the

Abhiyan sector, a system has been started to take missile inspection progress report every 15/15 days from the superintendent/branch officer/bench officer working in such sector.

Similarly, since petitions were being heard only on Fridays, from the last week of August last week, it has been arranged that the cases of Abhiyan Phat will also be heard every Friday. The court has also accelerated the work of the archives and said that the court has collected two billion rupees in cash towards the fine.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ९, २०८१ २०:५८