Mobile banking service launched by Salpa Bikas Bank
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Salpa Development Bank has started mobile banking service from 7th July. After 12 years of establishment, mobile banking service was started. Salpa Bikas Bank Chairman Tank Rai inaugurated the mobile banking service in an event held at Shubham Foundation.
It started financial transactions from 1st July 2069 by establishing the head office in Diktel . Deepkar Rai, a senior officer of the bank, said that the bank, which is operating branches in various local levels of Khotang, has collected deposits of 1.4 billion and invested 86 million in loans under various headings.
The said bank has established branches in Diktel Rupakot Mazhuwagadhi Municipality, Halesi Tuwachung Municipality Halesi, Aiselukhark Aiselukhark Rural Municipality, Baksila Kepilasgadhi Rural Municipality, Chisapani Jantedhunga Rural Municipality and Simpani Khotehang Rural Municipality.
Moreover, bank president Rai said that branch operations are also planned outside of Khotang.
प्रकाशित : श्रावण ७, २०८१ १९:४०