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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Release of 'Destiny' memoir

असार २९, २०८१
Release of 'Destiny' memoir

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The memorial poem 'Niyati' written by Narayan Prasad Pokharel has been released. District Coordination Committee chief Mohan Bahadur Thapa released the book during a program in the hall of the District Coordination Committee on Saturday.

Krishna Prasad Pokharel and Amvika Pokharle of Bakrang Bhogteni, who lost four members of their family in the earthquake of 12 May 2072, have published a book. Prakashdway's daughters Ranjita Pokharel, Rozina Pokharel, son Ankit Pokharel and son-in-law Krishna Upadhyay died in the earthquake.

'A thunderbolt struck a Pokharel couple, their two daughters, son, and son-in-law ended their marriage at once, due to the Great Earthquake of 2072 Baisakh . How to write this strange incident? How can I not write? I wrote this poem after nine years,' said Narayan Prasad, the author of the book, 'however, I dedicated this 'destiny' poem as a wish for the peace of mind of those young children who died prematurely.'' Said . Commemorative poetry has been published from various chapters of the 12-chapter book about the experiences experienced in the great disaster. Writer Narayan Prasad Pokharel, who is based in Mankamana, has previously published Akshayvat, Uparanta, Padmashri, Marsyangdi Khandakabya, Arohan Samyukt Mahakabya, Amargatha Mahakabya, Topi Kavita Collection and Teej's Song Collection.

प्रकाशित : असार २९, २०८१ १८:४८