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Deepak Rauniyar's film 'Pooja, Sir' selected at Venice

श्रावण ८, २०८१
Deepak Rauniyar's film 'Pooja, Sir' selected at Venice

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'Pooja, Sir' directed by Deepak Rauniar has been selected for the Orizonti section of the Venice Film Festival, one of the oldest in the world. In this second big competition of the festival, Deepak's film 'White Sun' made history as the first film to be selected in this section in 2016.

Last year, 'Red Suitcase' directed by Fidel Devkota was chosen. For the 81st edition of the festival, Deepak's team submitted the 'rough cut' of the film just 2 months ago. Director Rauniar is excited when his film made after eight years of

was selected in Venice. It was very sad to make this film. Even if the shooting was to be done twice, the shooting had to be canceled at two times . Sometimes we couldn't shoot at the planned time due to covid and sometimes we got sick ourselves. Because of that, we had to look for investment in the film again, 'Deepak Khushi Sate,' but this time we collaborated with Rambabu Gurung. In this way, we have made a film in collaboration with the Nepalese people. The kind of cooperation we had with them is a matter of happiness. And that has also added excitement .'

film is ready to be shown in Nepal only after it is shown in the world market . Earlier, 'White Sun' was screened in theaters in 15 countries. At that time, director Rauniar was included in the New York Times list of new directors from this film. Let's see, how can this film be sold like White Sun? We are now thinking and planning," said Rauniyar.

Rauniyar, who made 'White Sun' in the 'drama' genre, has made 'Pooja, Sir' in the thriller genre . Filmed in Janakpur, this film contains the story of a female police inspector. More than 600 people were present on the set of this film. "Especially in the country, there are very few female police officers. A film has not been made on such a subject . This film is much bigger than White Sun . So we are very excited," said Rauniyar. After the

shooting, this film has won three grants . Torino Film Lab in Italy is one of them. The title of the film, which was earlier named 'Rajaganj', has now been changed to 'Pooja, Sir'. In

films directed by Sabine Lehmann, 'White Tiger', 'Milareppa', 'B.Y.S. Actress Asha Magrati, who has worked in famous films like 'Kagweni', 'Karma', 'Highway', 'White Sun' and dozens of dramas including Rana's Basanti, has a leading role. According to the production team, this is his main role in the film. The film stars actor Dayahang Rai, former Miss Nepal Nikita Chandak, Aarti Mandal, Richa Sharma, Vijay Baral, Gaumaya Gurung, Niraj Shrestha and Pashupati Rai along with Asha.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ८, २०८१ २१:०६