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'Actor' did the filming

श्रावण ३, २०८१
'Actor' did the filming

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The shooting of the under-production film 'Actor' has been completed. The film, which was in the news even before the shooting started, was completed in 45 days. The shooting of the film started at the end of last Baisakh month from Vindhwasini temple in Pokhara.

The film was shot for 10 days in Pokhara and 35 days in Kathmandu. Rajan Bhusal's directorial debut, the film stars Pradeep Khadka, Divya Rayamazhi, Rajballabh Koirala, Ana Sharma, Sushil Sitaula, Divya Dev, Usha Rajak, Pradeep Chaudhary 'PK', Badal Bhatt, Anoj Pandey, Supragya Sharma, Creative Adhikari and others. This is Divya's first film. Rajaballab has made a comeback with this film after almost ten years. Nayak Khadka has collaborated with Divya and Ana for the first time on the film screen.

The producer of 'Actor' is Thaman Kumar Bhandari, produced by Moti Films and presented by Adrit Films. Moti Karki is the 'creative producer' of the film, which is co-produced by Anis Bhusal. The cinematographer of the film is Narendra Mainali. According to producer Thaman Kumar Bhandari, only one song of the film is left to be shot. Bhandari said that preparations are being made to film the song in Europe. He claims that Pradeep Khadka can be seen differently in the film. It is said that the

film will be released on Lakshmi Puja on October 15th. The film's Japan screening rights have also been sold. The Japan rights of 'Actor' have been bought by Khemraj Shah's Max Entertainment.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ३, २०८१ ०६:३७