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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

Another meeting at the British Ministry of Defense to address the demands of ex-Gurkhas

फाल्गुन १०, २०८०
Another meeting at the British Ministry of Defense to address the demands of ex-Gurkhas

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A technical level meeting was held at the British Ministry of Defense in London on Wednesday to further discuss the demands of former British Gurkhas.

The meeting was held on Wednesday with the participation of officials from the Nepali Embassy in London and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense and former Gurkha representatives. The meeting was a continuation of the various stages of discussions held in the last few months. According to the embassy, ​​in the

meeting, there was a detailed discussion on issues such as pension and immigration of Bhupu Gorkhas. The embassy also mentioned that the British Ministry of Defense has said that it will discuss the issues raised by the Bhupu Gurkhas with various related agencies and officials and inform them at the next meeting. Roshan Khanal, deputy head of the embassy, ​​who participated in the

talks, said that there was a clear opinion on behalf of the former Gurkhas and the Nepal government on equal pension and other issues. "After we put our 'counter argument', the British side has assured to answer by consulting the related agencies and ministerial level even on the same pension issue," said Khanal.

Negotiator R. on behalf of the Gurkhas. Major Jud Bahadur Gurung also said that Britain is ready to discuss all issues separately. He said that the British side has accepted their proposal to discuss every issue as per the need before the ministerial level talks scheduled for next March 27. Considering the seriousness of the matter, such meetings should be held frequently. Britain agrees on this,' Gurung added. In the

meeting, on behalf of the Government of Nepal, Deputy Head of the Nepalese Embassy Khanal, Military Assistant General Anup Shah and retired Major Jud Bahadur Gurung on behalf of former Gurkhas, Major Ri. Uday Bahadur Gurung and Pushpa Rana Ghale and on behalf of the British government, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Home Affairs and subordinate officers participated.

Ex-Gurkhas have been agitating for equal pension for the past three decades. In case of adult children, housing rights and welfare issues have been completed, but Britain is still not ready to give equal pensions. This time too, the Gurkhas have suspicions that Britain will bow down to them in the name of negotiations.

The chief coordinator of the Gorkha Satyagraha United Struggle Committee, Krishna Bahadur Rai, warned of a hunger strike and a more vigorous movement like in the past if Britain hesitated to hold decisive talks.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १०, २०८० १२:२६