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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७२

After more money, the National Bank is still withdrawing 40 billion

श्रावण ९, २०८१
After more money, the National Bank is still withdrawing 40 billion

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After more money in the banks and financial system, the National Bank is going to withdraw 40 billion rupees again on Wednesday. Rastra Bank is going to withdraw the amount for 21 days through the deposit collection tool for liquidity management.

Because there is a lot of money in the financial system, the National Bank has been withdrawing money from the market every few days so that the interest rate does not fall too low.

After the inter-bank rate fell below three percent, the National Bank has said that it is going to withdraw money from the market again. According to the current system, when the inter-bank interest rate is below 3 percent, the National Bank has to withdraw money from the market, and when it exceeds 7 percent, it has to send money to the market. Now that it has fallen below three percent, money is about to be withdrawn from the market again.

The National Bank of India has called on banks and financial institutions to conduct an online consultation today (Wednesday) till 3:00 pm for the purchase of deposits. It is mentioned in the notice of Rashtra Bank that when dividing by Rs.

Only 'A', 'B' and 'C' category banks and financial institutions will be allowed to participate in deposit collection device. The notice of the National Bank also mentions that the deposit collection equipment purchased in this way can be used as collateral in other banks and financial institutions. The Rastra Bank has stated that the negotiation of deposit collection will be done on the interest rate, and the multi-interest rate can also be negotiated.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ९, २०८१ ११:५७