The Customs Tariff Bill was unanimously passed by the National Assembly
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The National Assembly has unanimously passed the Customs Tariff Bill-2081. The National Assembly meeting held on Monday unanimously passed the proposal that the Customs Tariff Bill received from the House of Representatives with a message should be passed without any suggestions and sent to the House of Representatives.
The Economic Bill-2081 received from the House of Representatives with a message was passed with suggestions and sent back to the House of Representatives.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Bishnu Prasad Paudel presented before the assembly on behalf of the government. After discussion on the proposal and Finance Minister Paudel gave his answer, National Assembly Speaker Narayan Prasad Dahal announced that the proposal presented by Finance Minister Paudel for approval was passed unanimously.
The next meeting of the National Assembly has been adjourned to be held on July 4th at 1:30.
प्रकाशित : असार ३१, २०८१ १८:०८