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Class 12 results: Many students ungraded in English, Accounts and Social

श्रावण १८, २०८१
Class 12 results: Many students ungraded in English, Accounts and Social

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In the Class 12 results released by the National Examination Board on Friday, most students were ungraded in English. After that, the chairman of the board, Mahashram Sharma, said that the most number of students failed in account and social subjects.

While 72 percent of students passed in English, 12,206 students were ungraded. According to the board, 51,000 students in Social and 47,000 students in Accounts were not graded.

In the public SEE results last June, many students failed in Maths, English and Science subjects . The board has informed that the supplementary examination of the students who get non-grading results in up to two subjects in Class-12 will be conducted on August 25 and 26.

The students took the exam in 108 subjects . 52.15 percent of students are eligible to enroll in higher education by getting grades. 1 lakh 87 thousand 21 students are in Nongrading (NG). The number of students who are not grading up to two subjects is 127 thousand 707 people.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण १८, २०८१ १४:३४