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For the first time in Nepal, the subject of 'Aviation Management' will be taught

श्रावण १४, २०८१
For the first time in Nepal, the subject of 'Aviation Management' will be taught

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For the first time in Nepal, the subject of 'Aviation Management' will be taught at the undergraduate level in Banepa, Kavre. Under the Kathmandu University (KU) School of Management, Simric Ventures and Siddharth Vanasthali Institute will be teaching 'Aviation Management' at the undergraduate level.

Captain Rameshwar Thapa, president of Simric Ventures, informed that the courses include aviation laws and regulations, aviation security, airport planning and management, airline operations, aviation and economics, aviation marketing, tourism importance and human resource management.

According to him, the four-year graduation program aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge to effectively manage aviation operations, airlines and airports. This program, which is being conducted in partnership with three institutions, will end the compulsion of students to go abroad for studies. Bhola Thapa, Vice-Chancellor of the University said.

The course designed to develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills will provide practical training in managing aircraft-related activities, said Pushparam K.C, president of Siddharth Vanasthali Institute. According to him, students will learn about various aspects of aviation including aviation techniques, equipment and systems.

They will also learn how to manage complex situations, work under pressure and communicate effectively with various stakeholders. Teaching will start from the first week of next October for the 4-year (8 semesters) course study for Nepali students with a total fee of 850,000 and In case of foreign students, it is said that 17 lakh rupees will be spent.

Registration time till 23rd August for admission in 'Aviation Management' And it has been informed that there is a work schedule for the entrance exam on 30th August.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण १४, २०८१ २०:१६